Faithful Companion — 13 of 17

Matt Weiner

Release 2

Section - The Latches

A latch is a kind of thing. A latch can be open or closed. A latch is usually closed. The bronze latch is a latch. The bronze latch is part of the granite door. The copper latch is a latch. The copper latch is part of the granite door. The steel latch is a latch. The steel latch is part of the granite door. The description of a latch is "This latch is designed so that merely pushing it will open it, and pushing it again in the same way will close it again. It is currently [if open]open[otherwise]closed[end if]."

[code to let the player examine all the latches at once but not do anything else with them as a collective. Introducing a dummy object is more convenient here than allowing "latches" to refer to the plural of the latches, because it makes it easier to convert it into a ghost action.]

The scenery-latches are scenery in the Reliquary. The scenery-latches are plural-named. The printed name of the scenery-latches is "latches". Understand "latches" as the scenery-latches.

Instead of examining the scenery-latches:

repeat with item running through latches:

say "[item]: [description of the item]."

Instead of doing something when the current action involves the scenery-latches: say "You must specify a single latch."

Instead of an actor opening the granite door when a latch is closed: if the person asked is the player, say "The granite door won't open when [the list of closed latches] [if more than one latch is closed]are[otherwise]is[end if] closed."

Before an actor opening, closing, switching on, rubbing, touching, pulling, turning, or switching off a latch: try the actor pushing the noun instead.

Carry out an actor pushing a latch:

if the noun is closed:

now the noun is open;


now the noun is closed.

After pushing a closed latch:

say "You push [the noun] closed."

After pushing an open latch:

say "You push [the noun] open."

After pushing an open latch when the granite door is open:

say "You push [the noun], which spins in place on the open door."

After the ghost pushing a closed latch:

if the ghost is visible, say "The ghost pushes [the noun] closed."

After the ghost pushing an open latch:

if the ghost is visible, say "The ghost pushes [the noun] open."

After the ghost pushing an open latch when the granite door is open:

if the ghost is visible, say "The ghost pushes [the noun], which spins in place on the open door."