Terminator — 21 of 33

Matt Weiner

Release 0

Section 9 - Autopickup and Autorescue of Astronauts

Every turn (this is the autopickup astronauts rule):

repeat with bot running through haulers:

if the action name part of the current attempt of the bot is not the dropping action or the noun part of the current attempt of the bot is not an astronaut: [We don't want to force a hauler to rescue an astronaut when it's just been dropping astronauts--in fact this stays in effect until the bot gets a new order]

let rescued count be 0;

repeat with patient running through astronauts in the Planet: [that is, not carried by any other hauler, nor in the Cabin of the Tiptree]

if the bot is right next to the patient:

now the bot carries the patient;

increment rescued count;

if rescued count is greater than 0:

say "[Bot] picks up [rescued count in words] astronaut[if rescued count > 1]s[end if]."

Every turn (this is the autorescue astronauts rule):

repeat with bot running through haulers:

if bot carries an astronaut and bot is right next to the spaceship exterior:

let rescued list be the list of astronauts carried by bot;

let rescued count be the number of entries in rescued list;

let rescued names be a list of texts;

repeat with astro running through rescued list:

add the personal name of astro to rescued names;

say "[Bot] delivers [rescued count in words] astronaut[if rescued count > 1]s[end if] to the safety of your spaceship. The crew strips the astronaut[if rescued count > 1]s[end if] out of their spacesuit[if rescued count > 1]s[end if] and begins to provide emergency medical attention. [Rescued names] [have] been rescued.";

now every astronaut carried by bot is in the Cabin of the Tiptree.

The autopickup astronauts rule is listed before the set robot vision rule in the every turn rulebook. [It's a bit weird to have the robots report seeing an astronaut while they're being picked up. At least this way you can tell who nabbed the astronaut by having the robt that could see the astronaut report that they can no longer see it.]