Terminator — 23 of 33

Matt Weiner

Release 0

Chapter 10 - The Terminator

Section - Allowing the player to set the parameters

The display banner rule is not listed in the startup rulebook.

The initial room description rule is not listed in the startup rulebook. [Gonna do these after we ask for parameters. And the prebanner rule comes then too.]

The time to terminator is initially 50.

The terminator speed is initially 3.

Stage is a kind of value. The stages are setting time, setting speed, and playing. The current stage is initially setting time.

To start the game for real:

now the current stage is playing;

follow the print the pre-banner rule;

follow the display banner rule;

follow the initial room description rule.

When play begins (this is the gather parameters rule):

say "Would you like to set the game parameters? The default values are that it takes [time to terminator] turns for the terminator to appear in the east, and then it moves one unit across the grid every [terminator speed] turns.[line break](Please type yes or no.)>";

unless the player consents:

start the game for real;


say "What would you like the time until the appearance of the terminator to be?".

After reading a command when the current stage is setting time:

let the inputted number be -1;

if the player's command includes "[number]":

now the inputted number is the number understood;

if the inputted number is less than 0:

say "Please input a number that is at least 0.";


now the time to terminator is the inputted number;

now the current stage is setting speed;

say "OK. How many turns should the terminator take to move one grid space?[line break]If you input a negative number, like -3, the terminator will move that many spaces every turn. If you input 0, the whole map will light up as soon as the terminator arrives.";

reject the player's command.

After reading a command when the current stage is setting speed:

if the player's command includes "[number]":

now the terminator speed is the number understood;

say "OK.";

start the game for real;


say "Please input a number.";

reject the player's command.