February 12, 2005

Phill Niblock at Hotcakes Gallery Tomorrow (Sunday)

The Hotcakes site:

In a continued partnership with Crouton Music, Hotcakes is pleased to announce Phill Niblock live at the gallery on Sunday, February 13th, from 7-9 pm. There is a Milwaukee-priced, $8 cover charge at the door.... Phill Niblock makes thick, loud drones of music, filled with microtones of instrumental timbres which generate many other tones in the performance space. Simultaneously, he presents films / videos which look at the movement of people working, or computer driven black and white abstract images floating through time.

Hotcakes is at 3379 N. Pierce St. in Riverwest. From personal experience: bring earplugs.

Posted by Matt Weiner at February 12, 2005 12:26 PM