June 02, 2005


The FEW was great. Met Gillian Russell, Kenny Easwaran, Jonah Schupbach, and some people who do not blog, saw a lot of great talks, and maybe began to understand a bit of what it feels like to run a marathon--I missed the first two talks and the entire last day, skipped a couple of talks one afternoon to rest (and shop for records), and still saw 21 sesssions and drank a fair amount of beer. For me most of the conference was in the category Brian Skyrms told Gillian about, that there are subjects and tools you might want to investigate them even if you don't understand them yet. But that's what I expected to happen.

I also went to Lubbock, which was hit by at least one of the Biblical plagues while I was there, and arranged to rent what seems like a nice house convenient to campus and near many other members of the philosophy department, who presumably waited till I left town to put their own houses on the market. And now I'm back in Milwaukee. Regular failure to post will resume shortly.

[UPDATE: Changed plague link to something that doesn't require registration, I think.]

Posted by Matt Weiner at June 2, 2005 01:57 PM