Tea and Toast — 27 of 31

Maria del Pangolin

Release 1

Section - Thinking

Thinking about is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "think about [any thing]" as thinking about.

Carry out thinking about: now the memory threshold is 6. [since the scoring rules increase the score of a memory to 6 if it's associated with the noun when the current action is thinking about, this should restrict us to memories associated with the noun.]

Understand "think about [text]" as a mistake ("'No ideas but in things,' Lily always says. Which means, unless you just want to 'think' to and let your mind wander, you'll have to think about some specific thing.").

The block thinking rule is not listed in any rulebook.

Carry out thinking: now the memory threshold is 0. [And this lets absolutely any memory through.]