February 07, 2005

Light Blogging Continues

In the spirit of this post, do you think it makes sense to flag Plato for Illegal Formation? Or does that apply to ontologists with overly liberal views (should there be any)? I believe I can flag C.L. Hamblin, "Starting and Stopping," for False Start.

Otherwhere, after riding the bus this morning my head is filled with the accordion music from the ad for car seats they show on Transit TV. This is odd, because (1) the sound was broken on the bus this morning and (2) that ad wasn't shown anyway. The associations are getting strong.

(Oh, and could the halftime show have been any lamer? What's with this "Great or once-great musician plays a lot of his greatest hits" thing? I want glitz! I want dancing! I want humorous juxtaposition of a lot of currently fashionable acts of questionable aesthetic worth!)

Posted by Matt Weiner at February 7, 2005 08:55 AM

What was the halftime show? I'm curious.

Posted by: pepe at February 7, 2005 10:53 PM

The half-time show was Sir Paul McCartney. (Father of clothing designer Stella McCartney.) Plenty of glitz if you count overhead shots of him standing on an enormous x-shaped runway sort of thing that flashed huge garish patterns and images. One of the Statue of Liberty.

Posted by: Matt's mom at February 10, 2005 10:43 AM

No dancers, though. No silly guest stars. No humor value. That's what I mean by glitz. Will they be parodying this one on "Saturday Night Live"?

Posted by: Matt Weiner at February 10, 2005 10:48 AM