April 18, 2009

World Domination Enterprises

I see that I've been cited in a paper written in Chinese. (Click the two blue characters under the "S C Levinson" citation to see what I think is the full bibliography -- I've been alphabetized under "Matthew" but that's understandable.)


Posted by Matt Weiner at April 18, 2009 03:09 PM

I deciphered that's year 2008, issue #2 of "Foreign Language Education," table of contents here:


(Take out the spaces around CN. Blog spam filtering doesn't like web addresses in China.)

Wanfang Data is the publisher. It would have been slightly cooler if the journal was actually called "Wanfang Data," but it's still good.

A pdf of the article costs 3 somethings - I'm pretty sure from the symbol that it's 3 RMB, as opposed to yen, dollars, or quatloos. But you'd have to read some Chinese to figure out how to pay for it.

Posted by: Ben at April 27, 2009 01:39 AM

I deciphered that's year 2008, issue #2 of "Foreign Language Education," table of contents here:


(Substitute "cn" for "FOO". Blog spam filtering doesn't like web addresses in China.)

Wanfang Data is the publisher. It would have been slightly cooler if the journal was actually called "Wanfang Data," but it's still good.

A pdf of the article costs 3 somethings - I'm pretty sure from the symbol that it's 3 RMB, as opposed to yen, dollars, or quatloos. But you'd have to read some Chinese to figure out how to pay for it.

Posted by: Ben at April 27, 2009 01:39 AM