Tea and Toast — 12 of 31

Maria del Pangolin

Release 1

Section - Carrying Capacity

[We don't want "take all" to break things, but we do want to allow things like "take all the teacups," so we'll set carrying capacity at 4.]

The carrying capacity of Maria is 4.

This is the only announce items from the multiple object lists when not exceeding carrying capacity rule:

unless (taking or removing) and (the number of entries in the multiple object list plus the number of things held by the player) is greater than the carrying capacity of the player:

abide by the announce items from multiple object lists rule.

The only announce items from the multiple object lists when not exceeding carrying capacity rule is listed instead of the announce items from multiple object lists rule in the action-processing rules.

Corrected grabbiness is a truth state that varies. Corrected grabbiness is false. [Flags whether we've already printed the correction once this turn.]

Every turn: now corrected grabbiness is false.

First before taking when the number of entries in the multiple object list plus the number of things held by the player is greater than the carrying capacity of the player:

take no time;

if corrected grabbiness is false:

say "You can't hold all those things, and you won't need to pick so many things up to make tea and toast.";

now corrected grabbiness is true;

stop the action. [This won't print anything if corrected grabbiness is true; that's deliberate/ we only want to print the message once per multiple item take.]

First before removing when the number of entries in the multiple object list plus the number of things held by the player is greater than the carrying capacity of the player:

take no time;

if corrected grabbiness is false:

say "You can't hold all those things, and you won't need to pick so many things up to make tea and toast.";

now corrected grabbiness is true;

stop the action.