Tea and Toast — 30 of 31

Maria del Pangolin

Release 1

Section - Disambiguation Controlling Stuff

[The following rules are listed "First" so they will have precedence over the "when also considering the breadbox" rules, which would otherwise create ties between the loaf and the slice]

First should the game choose cutting the loaf of bread: it is an excellent choice.

First should the game choose inserting a bread slice into the toaster: it is an excellent choice.

First should the game choose cutting the loaf of bread with the bread knife: it is an excellent choice.

First should the game choose inserting an untoasted bread slice into the toaster: it is an excellent choice.

[the next four rules are there because the player has probably typed "bread"; but in any case, the breadbox is what opens and closes]

Should the game choose doing something with the loaf of bread when also considering the breadbox: it is a good choice.

Should the game choose doing something with a bread slice when also considering the breadbox: it is a good choice.

Should the game choose opening the breadbox: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose closing the breadbox: it is an excellent choice.

[ridiculous number of things called "tea"]

Should the game choose filling a teacup with hot tea: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting hot tea into a teacup: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose filling the tea strainer with the loose tea: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting the loose tea into the tea strainer: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting the tea strainer into the teapot when the tea leaves are in the tea strainer: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting the loose tea into the teapot: it is a passable choice.

[and two kinds of water]

Should the game choose filling the teapot with the hot water: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting the hot water into the teapot: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose inserting the cold water into the kettle: it is an excellent choice.

Should the game choose filling the kettle with the cold water: it is an excellent choice.